Neurology is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, as well as with certain diseases that affect the muscles. Neurological conditions can range from headaches to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The field of neurology is vast and constantly evolving, with new discoveries and treatments improving our understanding and care of patients with neurological disorders.
The nervous system transmits signals to and from different parts of the body and coordinates the actions your body performs. It is divided into two main parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system consists of all the nerves that branch off from the spinal cord.
A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases, injuries, and disorders of the nervous system. Disorders of the nervous system can be acute or chronic and can vary in severity.
You need to make an appointment with a neurologist if:
• youhave been experiencing unexplained dizziness or have balance problems.
• youhave been experiencing severe headaches.
• you have problems related to movement, whether it is difficulty moving or the presence of uncontrolled movements.
• you havebeen experiencingrepeated loss of consciousness.
• youhave been experiencing stiffness, burning, or numbness in one half of your body.
• you have chronic pain that your GP cannot manage.
• youhave been experiencing forgetfulness or a decline in your cognitive abilities.
• youhave beenexperiencing an inexplicable personality change.
• you have been experiencing transient loss of vision or double vision.
Neurologists use a variety of diagnostic tools and techniques, including neurological exams, NMRI and CT scans, electrophysiological tests (EEG and EMNG), and laboratory tests, to evaluate the functioning of the nervous system and identify any abnormalities, diseases, and conditions. Sometimes it is necessary to perform a lumbar puncture (LP) and extract fluid from the spinal canal for analysis.
The following are common pathological conditions in neurology:
1. Migraines and headaches: These are common neurological disorders characterized by recurring headaches, often accompanied by sensory disturbances, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.
2. Epilepsy: A neurological disorder characterized by recurring seizures, followed by loss of consciousness, which may vary in severity.
3. Stroke: Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted, resulting in brain damage and neurological deficit.
4. Multiple sclerosis (MS): An autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, causing symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, numbness, and difficulty with coordination.
5. Parkinson’s disease: This progressive neurodegenerative disorder affects movement and is characterized by tremors, stiffness, slow movement, and difficulty with balance and coordination.
The key to performing an effective neurological examination is observation. More than half of neurological examinations are performed by simply observing the patient – how the patient speaks, thinks, walks, moves, and communicates with the doctor. The neurologist will localize the lesion, based on simple observation. In addition, the doctor can refer the patient for additional tests which may help complete the diagnosis.
During the first doctor-patient consultation, the neurologist performs a physical neurological examination. A neurological examination tests muscle strength, reflexes, and coordination.
Because different disorders can have similar symptoms, a neurologist may need more testing to establish a diagnosis. Therefore, the doctor may recommend different procedures to help diagnose or treat the condition.
The following are some of the common additional tests used in patient evaluation:
• Computed tomography (CT)
• Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI)
• Electroencephalography (EEG)
• Nerve conduction studies and electromyography (EMG)
• Lumbar puncture (LP) for cerebrospinal fluid analysis